Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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The library is a necessary addition to the school, college and university. It is well known that without a book and reading, no education is unthinkable.

An excursion to the Regional Library for Children and Youth named after I. Altynsarin was organized for first-year students.

The tour began with the history of the library building, an architectural monument of the 19th century. Then the students took a tour of the departments of the temple of books: the art literature sector, the popular science literature department, the fiction department, where graphic novels (comics) were presented to their attention. 

The tour was interesting and informative.

Библиотека - сокровищница человеческих знаний
Библиотека - сокровищница человеческих знаний
Библиотека - сокровищница человеческих знаний
Библиотека - сокровищница человеческих знаний
Библиотека - сокровищница человеческих знаний